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Showing posts with the label Nano Technology Nanotechnology is an expansive area of science and designing zeroed in on making and utilizing materials

All about of Neno Technology

 Nano Technology Nanotechnology is an expansive area of science and designing zeroed in on making and utilizing materials, gadgets, and frameworks at the nanometer scale, regularly somewhere in the range of 1 and 100 nanometers. To provide you with a feeling of scale, a nanometer is one billionth of a meter (10^-9 meters), and a solitary human hair is around 80,000 nanometers wide.  Key Ideas in Nano technology: 1. Nanoscale : Working at the nuclear and sub-atomic levels, where properties of materials can vary altogether from their perceptible partners. This scale takes into account exact control of materials. 2. Quantum Impacts : At the nanoscale, quantum mechanical impacts become huge. These impacts can impact the electrical, optical, and mechanical properties of materials, empowering novel ways of behaving that are not seen in mass materials. 3. Surface Region : Nanomaterials have a high surface region to-volume proportion. This expands their substance reactivity and can up...